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Property Law Guides

the system of laws regulating and prioritising the Property law rights, interests and responsibilities of individuals in relation to "things". These things are a form of "property" or "right" to possession or ownership of an object. The law orders or prioritises rights and classifies property as either real and tangible, such as land, or intangible, such as the right of an author to their literary works or personal but tangible, such as a book or a pencil. The scope of what constitutes a thing capable of being classified as property and when an individual or body corporate gains priority of interest over a thing has in legal scholarship been heavily debated on a philosophical level.

Criminal Law Guides

INDIAN CRIMINAL LAWS are divided into three major acts i.e. Indian Penal Code, 1860,[1] Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, [2] and Indian Evidence Act, 1872.[3] Besides these major acts, special Criminal Laws are also passed by the Indian Parliament i.e. NDPS, Prevention of Corruption Act, Food Adulteration Act, Dowry Prevention Act,the Defence of India Act,etc. thousands of minor laws are made in India.

Indian Penal Code formulated by the British during the British Raj in 1860, forms the backbone of criminal law in India. Jury trials were abolished by the government in 1960 on the grounds they would be susceptible to media and public influence. This decision was based on an 8-1 acquittal of Kawas Nanavati in K. M. Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra, which was overturned by higher courts.

Indian Penal Code(IPC) was passed under the chairmanship of Lord Macaulay and was enforced in 1862, Lord Macaulay issued clarification for the people of India for implementation of this Code, because people were of the view that rule of Capital Punishment will be misused against them. Further more people were against foreign rule on Indian people.

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Consumer Law Guides

Consumer rights are the rights given to a "consumer" to protect him/her from being cheated by salesman / manufacturer. Consumer protection laws are designed to ensure fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace.

Consumer rights are the rights given to a "consumer" to protect him/her from being cheated by salesman/manufacturer. Consumer protection laws are designed to ensure fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace.

The laws are designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and may provide additional protection for the weak and those unable to take care of themselves. Consumer Protection laws are a form of government regulation which aim to protect the rights of consumers.

For example, a government may require businesses to disclose detailed information about products particularly in areas where safety or public health is an issue, such as food. Consumer protection is linked to the idea of "consumer rights" (that consumers have various rights as consumers), and to the formation of consumer organizations which help consumers make better choices in the marketplace.

Consumer is defined as someone who acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. Consumer interests can also be protected by promoting competition in the markets which directly and indirectly serve consumers, consistent with economic efficiency, but this topic is treated in Competition law.

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